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Tags: AccessSeptember 2024St. Louis Community College (STLCC) began using artificial intelligence (AI) to help students,...
Tags: College ReadinessSeptember 2024Students in online classes are required to navigate complex learning management systems (LMS), the...
Tags: Workforce PreparationSeptember 2024Predicting the future may be a fool’s errand, but as technology evolves and societal changes...
Tags: Teaching StrategiesAugust 2024It is your first term studying business in college and you’ve managed to earn impressive...
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Leadership and Organization
The Student Impact Study of the Alliance+ Project: Three Case Studies in K-12 Technology Integration
Ground broke on Dallas College’s state-of-the-art Construction Sciences Building in 2019, and the need for the new training facility could not be more urgent. Before the design for the new building began, the National Center for Construction Education and Research (2019) had already predicted a shortage of one million craft professionals in the construction industry by 2023. In Dallas, the shortage is critical. From August 2018 to August 2019 alone, the Dallas-Plano-Irving area added 12,400 construction jobs and labor shortages have become a major contributor to rapidly rising new home costs...
Since its founding in 1961, Monroe Community College (MCC), a public institution within the State University of New York (SUNY) system, has earned a reputation as a leader in workforce education in the Upstate New York region. The college’s LadderzUP project, a public-public (PuP) partnership between MCC’s Economic and Workforce Development Center and Monroe County, offers workforce training that links county funding to college educational resources to address persistently difficult to fill positions in industry and provides access to short cycle and accelerated educational programs for...
Tags: Student Retention