Welcome to Faculty Voices, a League community group for community college faculty, both full- and part-time, to join the national conversation about student success and completion. This group is part of the League's Faculty Voices initiative, which seeks to (a) identify issues, challenges, and concerns faculty have about the national focus on student completion; and (b) identify ways faculty—individually and in college-wide efforts—currently support student success, retention, and completion. The four-year project is funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
We invite faculty to join the conversation in various ways, including this online group as well as national surveys, stakeholder conversations, facilitator workshops, focus groups, social media, and publications. Findings from discussion and focus groups are being analyzed for emerging themes, and these along with survey findings will be presented in reports to community college educators and administrators, association and foundation staff, policy makers, and other stakeholders. Project findings are intended to provide insight into faculty perceptions and thus help inform decisions made around topics such as tools and strategies for improving student learning and completion, faculty and staff professional development, college-wide initiatives related to student success and completion, and organizational structures that affect teaching and learning.
We look forward to hearing your voice in this onoging conversation!
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Group Documents
The following resources were developed by Public Agenda for use in Choicework Moderator Training Workshops held as part of the League for Innovation's Faculty Voices Project.
Expanding Opportunity for All: How Can We Increase Community College Student Completion? (Choicework Discussion Starter)
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YT https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIt5BYfTt0aApV9j1vFMS7iFEXd0vBtV-
Visit the Faculty Voices blog at https://leaguefacultyvoices.wordpress.com.
Join the Conversation: Become a Faculty Voices Guest Blogger
The following list includes select resources concerning the national Completion Agenda.
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