The League maintains an open call for manuscripts for Learning Abstracts,* Leadership Abstracts,* and Innovation Showcase. These monthly publications highlight innovative practice in community college teaching and learning, leadership, student services and support, workforce and economic development, community service, and research. Issues are published each month and featured in the League’s monthly newsletter, League Connections, and in the Innovation Library. (To receive League Connections, check the Communication Preferences for your account and make sure "opt out" is not selected for Newsletters.)
*Issues of Learning Abstracts and Leadership Abstracts are available on the website for two months, after which they are available exclusively to iStream subscribers; all issues of Innovation Showcase are available to the public indefinitely. Search League publications in the Innovation Library.
Submit** your manuscript here.
Author Guidelines
About League Periodicals
Learning Abstracts
This monthly publication features the community college field's focus on learning, including but not limited to (1) programs and services that create substantive change in individual learners; (2) profiles of activities that engage learners as full partners in the learning process and help students toward achievement of their educational goals; (3) innovative effective or promising practices in teaching and learning; (4) strategies to involve all college employees in supporting student learning, retention, and completion; (6) innovative uses of physical and virtual spaces to create effective, supportive learning environments; and (7) programs to document learning outcomes.
Find issues of Learning Abstracts* here.
Leadership Abstracts
This monthly publication provides brief articles focused on the needs of community college leaders. Advice on performing essential leadership tasks, solutions to common problems, descriptions of model programs, and applications of leadership theory are the general thrust for the publication, with an edge given to high value, cutting-edge material presented in a clear and organized format.
Find issues of Leadership Abstracts* here.
Innovation Showcase
This monthly publication features innovative community college programs, practices, facilities, and partnerships with community, business, and industry. From innovative workforce training initiatives and economic development programs to local music festivals and campus art museums, topics of articles in Innovation Showcase encompass the wide variety of ways community colleges connect with the people and regions they serve.
Find issues of Innovation Showcase here.
Click here to view author guidelines for Learning Abstracts, Leadership Abstracts, and Innovation Showcase.
About Member Spotlight (for Member Colleges Only)
League Board and Alliance members are also invited to submit Member Spotlight articles related to a special achievement, program, partnership, activity, or other item of interest at their college or district. Each month, Member Spotlight articles are highlighted in League Connections.
See submission guidelines and submit a Member Spotlight article here.