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Blake Kanewischer and Julie Mooney July 2024
Volume: 27 Issue: 7
Count all 20
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), with over 15,600 students enrolled in 126 programs, has a significant presence in Calgary and southern Alberta, Canada. The region around Calgary and the land on which SAIT is located—Moh’kinsstis, to the Niitsitapi—is home to several First Nations communities, including the Blackfoot Confederacy, comprised of the Siksika, the Piikani, and the Kainai Nations; the Tsuu’tina Nation; and the Îyârhe Nakoda Nation, which includes the Bearspaw, Chiniki, and Goodstoney bands.
Shengnan Fang June 2024
Volume: 27 Issue: 6
Count all 16
The COVID-19 pandemic brought significant disruptions and challenges to higher education. The return to in-person teaching was an adjustment for both instructors and students after more than two years of remote learning, and did not necessarily mean that active learning and engagement in the classroom would automatically follow. However, interactive classroom activities can provide students with opportunities to deepen their understanding of economic concepts.
Vincent Miller May 2024
Volume: 27 Issue: 5
Count all 302
Johnson County Community College (JCCC) provides students with extensive academic support services that continue to develop to meet their needs. What follows is an overview of the services offered through JCCC’s Academic Support division, and how each program works toward a single goal of student success.
Lani Wildow April 2024
Volume: 27 Issue: 4
Count all 376
The global response to generative AI (GenAI) has been varied and dynamic. There is rapid adoption in some sectors, cautious exploration in others, and a growing push for regulation. Businesses and educational institutions worldwide are leveraging GenAI to innovate and enhance productivity, from automating routine tasks to generating new content and insights. However, this enthusiasm is tempered by concerns over privacy, security, intellectual property, and the ethical implications of AI-generated content.
Tamara Bahr March 2024
Volume: 27 Issue: 3
Count all 319
Micro-credentials offer a flexible approach to professional learning, helping participants acquire skills that are directly applicable in their professional environments. Moreover, micro-credentials are often recognized by a credentialling body with digital badges or certificates, which offer tangible evidence of learning and skill acquisition and add significant value to a professional's portfolio.
Monique Umphrey February 2024
Volume: 27 Issue: 2
Count all 377
Embracing neurodiversity in educational environments entails challenging traditional perspectives on cognitive differences. The term neurodiversity acknowledges the inherent variation in neurological functioning, emphasizing that diverse cognitive profiles contribute to the richness of the human experience.
Jill Channing January 2024
Volume: 27 Issue: 1
Count all 326
In the dynamic landscape of the 21st century, technological advancements, including artificial intelligence (AI), have transformed the way we teach and learn. As educators explore the possibilities of AI, they discover innovative ways to enhance critical thinking and foster greater student engagement. This article explores the potential benefits of integrating AI, particularly ChatGPT, into humanities and history courses at community colleges.
Lisa Wang Jianwu, Lim See Yew, Lin Kok On, Tan Chee Keong, Ricky Tan Yuan Sheng, and Tan Hwee Juan Agnes December 2023
Volume: 26 Issue: 12
Count all 307
Computer-aided drawing (CAD) is a common module for most engineering students. However, evaluating CAD exercises is very time consuming and students need face-to-face correction with their lecturers. An automated evaluation tool is needed to replace the manual correction process.
Jean Hernandez, Sayumi Irey, D’Andre Fisher, Dennis Coy Denman, Julius Lloyd, Mikaila Harris, and Reed Rodgers November 2023
Volume: 26 Issue: 11
Count all 255
Since 2018, the Seattle Colleges Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Community (EDIC) has been on a journey to lead with racial equity and advance its reach and collective impact for closing equity and opportunity gaps. The district enrolled 10,979 FTE students at its three colleges and five workforce specialty centers in 2022-2023. Of those students, about 46 percent identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), and/or from other underrepresented student populations. Community colleges across the U.S.
Justin H. Lonon October 2023
Volume: 26 Issue: 10
Count all 318
Dallas College is in the barrier-busting business. Those at the college, from leadership to faculty to staff, understand that community college students are inundated with challenges in life that can often force them to decide between pursuing an education and providing for their families. Through the innovative Learner Care Model, Dallas College Student Care Network provides holistic services to ensure that basic needs are met and that students are supported as they pursue their educational goals.
Dair Arnold, Trish Burke-Williams, Tennille Love-Frost, Scott Markland, and Patty Peters September 2023
Volume: 26 Issue: 9
Count all 160
Sinclair Community College presents an annual collegewide Equity Summit that is designed to further the institution’s strategic priorities of equity, alignment, and growth. According to Steven L. Johnson, Sinclair’s President and CEO,
Miloni Gandhi and Teresa Ong August 2023
Volume: 26 Issue: 8
Count all 191
Community colleges are places for learning and reinvention, but what happens when potential students are unable to attend college because they are incarcerated? Incarcerated individuals face an extraordinary amount of discrimination when it comes to post-incarceration job searches, and many did not enjoy an uninterrupted educational path prior to incarceration, which leaves them with few opportunities to rise above their circumstances.
Karen Town July 2023
Volume: 26 Issue: 7
Count all 399
Moraine Valley Community College wanted to do more than talk about its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), so it found a way for faculty and staff to actively embrace the trio of core values by creating the Equity Academy. Academy participants could engage as little or as much as they wanted, with some completing full research projects on DEI topics affecting the institution. The response to the academy and the research has been positive, resulting in improvements across the college.
Guillermo Martinez III, Janelle Green, and Curtiss Stevens June 2023
Volume: 26 Issue: 6
Count all 207
Imagine a place where individuals of all ages and their families can come for the ultimate hands-on career exploration experience. At Austin Community College’s (ACC) Make It Center (MIC), the possibilities are boundless. This innovative new hub will revolutionize the way we perceive career pathways by introducing visitors to a multitude of options they may have never considered before.
Moaty M. Fayek May 2023
Volume: 26 Issue: 5
Count all 172
The COVID-19 pandemic's impact on student development, a crucial component of the student experience, merits the efforts at heightened awareness it continues to receive. In response to the pandemic and the swift move to online education, one of the significant components of higher education is the impact this move has had on student development. While this applies to community college students of all ages and in various stages of life and career, this article focuses more specifically on the impact this disruption has had on traditional-age college students (18-24).
