The Faculty Resource Guide provides a step-by-step approach to enhancing infection control curriculum, including cross-walking current curriculum with intended infection control objectives and outcomes.

The John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Awards Program provides a record of the names, titles, and colleges of the 2015 honorees. It also features congratulatory announcements from League member colleges. Conference participants receive a copy of the Awards program during the Innovations Conference closing ceremony.
Resources from the Walmart Brighter Futures 2.0 Project
Section I
Program Summary
Section II
Sample Work Plan
Section III
Impact on Individual and Community
Section IV
Success Stories
Section V
Challenges and Lessons Learned
Section VI
Collaborative Partnerships
Section VII
Project Forms, Documents and Other Materials
Acceptance Letter
Interest Sheet
Scholarship Agreement
Section VIII
Project Publicity and Donor Recognition
Flyer - Sustainability
Press Release 1
Press Release 2
Public Presentation
Public Service Announcement
Student Testimonials
Section IX
Sample Sustainability...

The Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) is developing a Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) Certification examination in collaboration with the National Board of Public Health Examiners. The DIS Certification Project, supported by cooperative agreement CK20-2003 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Disease, aims to standardize and validate knowledge, skills, and abilities of disease intervention professionals, increase quality and consistency of service delivery, support the recruitment and...
Recipients of 2021-2022 Innovation of the Year Awards are encouraged to use the badge below in their email signature lines, on their LinkedIn and social media accounts, on their website, etc. This badge honors recipient dedication to innovative practice at a League member institution, and can act as a visual cue to spark conversation around innovation, create relationships, and build community. (Right click on the badge and save it as an image for personal use.)
The draft schedule above is available for those who prefer a hard copy. However, information in this document is subject to change. The most current program information will be found in the conference app. PLEASE NOTE: Hard copy schedules will not be available onsite.
Registered Innovations Conference participants will receive an email to download and log in to the event app by March 5.
September 28, 2021
Click here to access the webinar recording.
Work and education are often disconnected. Many learners finish college or other programs with a skillset that no longer matches market demands and unprepared for the world of work. Colleges and universities are expected to be engines of economic mobility. And yet, postsecondary education doesn’t always deliver on its promise of a good job and rewarding career. Work-based learning, such as internships, apprenticeships, and employer projects, solves for that by helping students to develop career-relevant skills and apply their...