Santa Fe College: An Innovative Multigenerational Approach to Enhance Learning Opportunities

In November 2021, 16 unemployed or underemployed individuals began their journey toward bettering their lives and those of their families by becoming the first cohort to participate in Santa Fe College’s (SF) new Achieve, Conquer, Believe and Excel (ACB Excel) program. ACB Excel’s mission is to empower members of the SF community who want to break the cycle of poverty, but need the financial and emotional support to do so. The concept for this program stemmed from conversations that the college’s president, Dr. Paul Broadie II, had with community leaders regarding local economic needs and barriers that were keeping low-income families from escaping poverty. The result was an innovative, multigenerational program in which adults participate in evening classes for a certificate program that leads to high-wage local jobs or future educational opportunities through the college while their K-12 children participate in STEM and literacy-enriching activities—all at no cost to the families.
Each class night, the students, children, course instructor(s), and child enrichment providers and supervisors begin with a free family-style dinner, where interactive dialogue is encouraged. Guest speakers join the group at dinnertime to address such topics as navigating an IEP/504 meeting at school, understanding the mental health and well-being of children, lowering utility bills, preparing a resume, interviewing for a job, and making family dinners on a budget. After dinner, class instruction begins. While participating adults are in class, their K-12 children are engaged in activities ranging from homework help to writing their own books to completing science experiments, while also learning about mental health, social awareness, and relationship skills.

Left image: Participating children engage in STEM-related activities to develop teamwork and communication skills.
Right image: A participating child reads to other children with support from program staff
The first cohort participated in a 150-contact hour facilities maintenance course. At the end of the course, 13 students received a Santa Fe College certificate of completion as well as OSHA 10 and EPA Refrigerant Recovery certifications from President Broadie at the program’s graduation. This was the first time some of the completers had participated in an academic graduation ceremony. The pride on their faces and on those of their friends and families—especially their children, who had watched their parents work so hard—reflected their sense of accomplishment and hope for a better life.
Santa Fe staff worked with each completer to either find local employment with one of the college’s business partners or to join a Santa Fe College apprenticeship program to continue their education. The first cohort of ACB Excel students had an 82 percent completion rate, with 100 percent of completers finding gainful employment or continuing with their next level of education at SF. Neil, a graduate of the first cohort, said, “My employment value has increased, which has helped me to get in a better position to provide a better life for my family. . . . Thank you all so much!” Christine Roberts, another program completer, shared that when a plumber was brought into the program, “That’s when I knew. . . . I finally figured out what I was going to do.” She started her apprenticeship in plumbing in fall 2023.

An ACB Excel participant introduces his son to tools used in the facilities maintenance program
One reason for ACB Excel’s early success has been the continued partnerships between the college and committed industry partners. Most partners are area businesses, such as the local school district, housing authority, homeless shelters, churches, Chamber of Commerce, and trades companies, that see firsthand the employment challenges in our community. Others, such as United Way, have stepped into a committed voluntary role to support the childcare and enrichment aspects of the program as part of their dedication to assisting Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) families in North Central Florida. Partners bring their expertise to the program and, in turn, have the first opportunity to offer employment to completers.
Since the initial cohort, ACB Excel has offered a phlebotomy certification to two cohorts, with a third one nearing completion at the time of this publication. Phlebotomy program completers who chose to enter the workforce were hired immediately upon graduation, making anywhere from $17-$23 per hour, plus benefits. In the 2024-2025 academic year, SF will explore the addition of other ACB Excel program certifications, such as cybersecurity, HVAC, and semiconductor manufacturing. As the program expands, the K-12 enrichment portion will also be broadened. For instance, high school-aged children of participating families may be brought in to assist with activities and earn volunteer hours needed for college applications and scholarships; participating children could be given a book written by an underrepresented author each night to take home for their own personal library; and a college-going mindset, whether it be for an academic or career pathway, might be cultivated through discussion, activities, and shadowing their parent during class time.

President Paul Broadie II presents a graduation certificate at the inaugural
completion ceremony for the facilities maintenance program in May 2022
According to President Broadie, “One of the focuses of Santa Fe College is to add value to the lives of others and impact our community, and this program does that.” Two months after the first graduation ceremony in May 2022, ACB Excel won the Association of Florida Colleges’ Workforce, Adult, and Continuing Education 2021-2022 Exemplary Practice Award. ACB Excel has proven to be a multigenerational gamechanger for the SF community, and it can be implemented and/or replicated in nearly any community with the right combination of commitment, courage, and partnership. Click here to view a video that highlights the start of the program as well as the first cohort.
Lead image: An ACB Excel facilities maintenance program student with her daughter, who participates in enrichment activities while her mother is in class
Dr. Jen Homard is Executive Director, Secondary Programs, at Santa Fe College in Gainesville, Florida.
Opinions expressed in Member Spotlight are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the League for Innovation in the Community College.