League for Innovation Celebrates Excellence at Community Colleges

In 2012, the League established the John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Awards to celebrate outstanding contributions and leadership by community college faculty and staff. These awards are open to League Board and Alliance member institutions, and each year’s recipients are recognized in a series of activities and promotions, and honored at special events at the League's Innovations Conference each spring.
The 2016 Excellence Award recipients were recognized at the Innovations Conference in San Francisco, CA, March 12-15, 2017. Special events included an exclusive Excellence Awards reception, photo shoots in the exhibition hall, and the Excellence Awards Celebration. John Roueche provided the keynote address for the Celebration, where recipients participated in the ceremonial donning of their specially cast Excellence Award medallions. In addition, all recipients and their college presidents received a 2016 John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Awards Program, which includes the names, titles, and colleges of 2016 honorees and features congratulatory ads from League member colleges.
Visit the following Web pages to learn about the 2016 recipients and to view and/or download the Excellence Award Program.
2016 Excellence Award Recipients
2016 Excellence Award Program
Plan for Next Year
We invite all League Board and Alliance member colleges and systems to submit* the name(s) of those at their institutions who exemplify exceptional teaching and leadership for 2017 Excellence Awards from September 5 through December 15.
*The designated John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Awards contact at each institution is responsible for administering this award and submitting names. Please contact your president or chancellor to find out who the primary contact is at your college.
Sherry Sklar is the Membership and Social Media Director at the League for Innovation in the Community College, Chandler, Arizona.
Opinions expressed in Innovation Showcase are those of the author(s) and/or submitting college and do not necessarily reflect those of the League for Innovation in the Community College.