Click here to access the Getting Results modules.
Click on the inks below to access transcripts of the videos in Getting Results.
- Overview: How to Take This Course
- Module 1: Creating a Community of Learners
- Module 2: Planning for Outcomes
- Module 3: Active Teaching and Learning
- Module 4: Moving Beyond the Classroom
- Module 5: Teaching With Technology
- Module 6: Assessing Teaching and Learning
The WGBH Educational Foundation and the League for Innovation in the Community College partnered to develop, field test, and disseminate multimedia resources to foster the use of effective teaching and learning practices among adjunct faculty in Advanced Technology Education programs nationwide. The three-year project, funded by the National Science Foundation, created the Getting Results faculty development modules. Although the modules were developed over a decade ago, they are based on proven educational research and practice and in many aspects remain relevant today, not only for ATE faculty, but for faculty across all disciplines. The League is pleased to continue making the modules available for community college faculty professional development.
The following description is from the original project website.
Getting Results
Getting Results modules include customized materials that feature video segments illustrating exemplary practice and online resources and strategies targeted to ATE disciplines, making them easily available as needed for self-study. The project’s primary audience is adjunct faculty teaching in ATE programs, many of whom come from industry, have no pedagogical framework for their teaching, and have significant time constraints on their ability to participate in professional development.
The resources were field-tested in thirteen ATE centers and programs in community colleges across the country, starting with the following two partners during the project's first year:
- The National Center for Manufacturing Education (MERC) at Sinclair Community College (OH)
- Aquarium Technology and Marine Interpretation program at Oregon Coast Community College (OR)
Following revisions to increase effectiveness and ease of use, in the second year the materials were piloted and further evaluated at a representative range of eleven additional ATE programs across the country. These are:
- Albuquerque TVI (NM)
- Bristol Community College (MA)
- Bronx Community College (NY)
- Collin County Community College District (TX)
- Daytona Beach/Seminole iTEC Florida (FL)
- Florence-Darlington Community College (SC)
- Middlesex County College (NJ)
- Nashville State Technical College (TN)
- New Hampshire Community College (NH)
- Norwalk Community College (CT)
- Richland College (TX)
In Year 3, the final curriculum was disseminated to the community and technical college field through a turnkey trainer system.
The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) and the Community College Leadership Program at The University of Texas conducted formative and summative evaluation activities to ensure that the new materials are rigorously tested at each stage of development.