2022-2023 Innovation of the Year Award Winner: Monroe Community College – SUNY

Data Champion Training and You Are a Data Person Book Club

How do you change the data culture in higher education? It’s a simple question, but one that has been incredibly difficult to answer. Once a practice or idea has embedded itself into your college, proposed changes are often met with resistance or the response that it’s always been done that way. The Data Champion initiative at Monroe Community College attempts to transform the data culture starting with empowering the college community by building the skills needed to extract, interpret, and present key data findings. Employees, students, board members, and the public at large best achieve goals when their decision-making is informed by fact-based information. Through this program, trained employees have access to more information and are skilled as to how to use data. As a result, the college not only produces more objective data-informed decisions, but is also able to offer clear evidence for conclusions.


  • Elina Belyablya, Assistant Director, Research
  • Kimberley Collins, Associate Vice President, Academic Services
  • William Dixon, Director, Institutional Research
  • Amanda Eggleston-Rampe, Coordinator, Pathways and Academic Technologies
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