An increasing number of community colleges are working to eliminate food insecurity for students and their families. Through programs such as on-campus food pantries, community gardens, farmers’ markets, and food scholarships, colleges are finding solutions for students and, in some cases, staff who are experiencing food insecurity. As part of our Innovative Solutions for Hunger Relief and Health Eating Project, the League invites you to share your college’s approaches to reducing food insecurity in a contribution* to our blog.
Submission Criteria
- Title: No more than 8 words
- Text: 600-1000 words
- Writing style: Informal while professional (think of this as “business casual” for writing); provide appropriate citations and a reference list if using others' work.
- Topic: Rather than providing an overview of your entire effort or program, focus on a single aspect of it. For example, you could share a successful promotional campaign to increase student awareness and use of the on-campus food pantry, or you could describe an internal partnership between your college's student services, culinary, and agriculture departments to support hunger relief and healthy eating. Or, you might discuss an external partnership with local community organizations, restaurants, or grocery stores to reduce food insecurity among students and their families.
- Content: Sample content might include the impetus for the activity (e.g., the problem to be solved); development and implementation of the solution/approach; evaluation of effectiveness; lessons learned; and next steps.
- Submit: Submit as a Word document to Kelly Dooling with the subject line “Hunger Relief Blog Contribution.”
*The League reserves the right to edit blog contributions.
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