2021-2022 Innovation of the Year Award Winner: Tulsa Community College

Academic Integrity: A Revamped Policy at TCC With a Focus on Service, Teaching, and Learning

In 2021, the Tulsa Community College (TCC) Process Improvement Committee revamped the college's Academic Integrity Policy to ensure that TCC promotes an ethical learning environment that highlights trust, respect, fairness, and honesty. Three issues were identified and addressed as part of this project: (1) As a service institution that focuses on teaching and learning, we needed to identify how we are educating students and faculty about what constitutes academic integrity. A book was developed to support this effort. (2) After reading different sanctions listed in the policy, but not finding definitions of what constitutes those sanctions, different levels of violations—minor, moderate, and major—were identified and addressed in the new policy. (3) Upon realizing that we had a policy without a procedure, we needed to identify how faculty can report accusations and how can students appeal them. The college now has a platform—Maxient—to document and resolve violations of academic integrity.


  • Dusty Bailey, Coordinator, Academic Advising
  • Anita Carwile, Director, Student Success and Equity Projects
  • Lori Coggins, Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Engaged Learning
  • Brandy Cooper, Assistant Professor and Faculty Department Chair, Health Sciences
  • Miguel Da Corte, Director, Academic Affairs Projects
  • Mary Glenn, Manager, Student Technology
  • Patrick Idwasi, Associate Professor and Faculty Department Chair, Chemistry
  • Shaun Peevsasser, Assistant Professor and Faculty Department Chair, Social Sciences
  • Melissa Thurston, Administrator II, Science and Mathematics
  • Travis White, Dean, Business and Information Technology
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