2021-2022 Innovation of the Year Award Winner: Community College of Baltimore County

Teaching and Learning Excellence through Scholarship

Teaching and Learning Excellence through Scholarship (TALES) is an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal which addresses teaching and learning at community colleges to improve higher education and student success. This journal was conceived in 2020 by a small group of Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) faculty as a mechanism for sharing the scholarship of teaching and learning and the great work being done at CCBC and other community colleges. TALES presents an opportunity for faculty members to publish their classroom research and offers readers all over the world insight into the art and science of teaching and learning at community colleges. The first edition of TALES was published in August 2021 and included letters from CCBC’s President and Provost as well as an invited perspective from Gary Kaiser on his first 51 years teaching biology. Six other faculty members or teams from CCBC submitted research articles on various topics, which were reviewed by a team of peer reviewers trained by TALES editors before being published.


  • Jeremy Caplan, Assistant Professor, Communications Arts
  • Michael Hands, Assistant Professor, Chemistry
  • Robin Minor, Assistant Professor, Biology
  • Veronica Noone, Assistant Professor, Information Technology
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