Blackboard Ambassadors: Student Leaders Supporting Students in Online Courses
In response to an increase in students taking online courses due to scheduling conflicts, Middlesex Community College developed a creative solution to support online students by embedding a student leader, or Blackboard (Bb) Ambassador, to support students with the adjustment to online learning. Bb Ambassadors are trained academic support student employees who assist online students in the first four weeks of the semester by helping them to understand course expectations and navigate the learning management system, Blackboard. Bb Ambassadors help students with locating and submitting assignments, posting to a discussion board, communicating with professors, managing their time, developing study strategies, and much more. Bb Ambassadors are students who create a comfortable online environment for their fellow students to ask questions. There is strong evidence that shows Bb Ambassadors are making a difference in student success.
Innovators: Beth Kelley, Noreen McGinness Olson