Insights for Educators: Motivations and Barriers Among the Next Generation of Community College Learners

April 23, 2024

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As high school students witness declining math scores, increased mental health needs, and changes to what they want from a college experience, community college educators must adapt enrollment and retention strategies to effectively support this evolving cohort of learners. While these are future students, how you prepare for this population now will determine your success in recruiting and retaining this growing student group.

Join leaders from EAB and the League for Innovation to gain insights into the trends affecting high school students and observe how some community colleges are already taking steps to prepare. Specifically, we’ll explore:

  • Insights from EAB's study of 2,700 high school students interested in community college, focusing on their college goals and motivations
  • The impact of pandemic disruptions on high school math and English scores
  • Implications of the evolving mental health landscape for community colleges
  • How community colleges are leveraging technology to help faculty and staff keep pace with rapidly changing student needs

Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of these trends and how they can inform strategies to better support students in their educational journey.

Presenters: Dr. Tara Zirkel, Director, Strategic Research, EAB; Dr. Rufus Glasper, President and CEO, League for Innovation in the Community College