Innovations Library

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Ellen Schwab, Susan Walling April 2008
Volume: 11 Issue: 4
Count all 445
Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) is one of 15 public colleges and universities in Massachusetts? educational system. As declared in the BHCC mission statement, ?The system exists to provide accessible, affordable, relevant, and rigorous academic programs that adapt to meet changing individual and societal needs for education and employment.? Furthermore, the mission statement of BHCC asserts, ?The student body reflects the diversity of the urban community and encouraging this diversity is an essential part of the college mission.?
Tags: Innovations
Ruth Stiehl, Les Lewchuk March 2008
Volume: 11 Issue: 3
Count all 446
Envision a white water river . . .flowing ? connecting ? diverging ? channeling. . . and you have a powerful image of a learning college. Envision a raft of students with a guide at the rear . . .anticipating ? paddling ? digging ? trusting. . . and you have an image of the ideal learning experience. Envision rapids increasing in difficulty . . .relevant ? engaging ? challenging ? even demanding. . . and you have the source from which learning evidence flows.
Tags: Innovations
Elisa Robyn, Cindy Miles February 2008
Volume: 11 Issue: 2
Count all 443
"We can't solve problems by using the same level of thinking we used when we created them."
Tags: Innovations
Ron Kindell January 2008
Volume: 11 Issue: 1
Count all 446
Keeping in mind that Ohio students must choose a career-oriented curriculum as early as tenth grade, a team of secondary, postsecondary, and business partners working with Sinclair Community College in the College and Career Transitions Initiative (CCTI) created MEtaMorph, a career journey curriculum for ninth grade students. Introduction of career exploration opportunities in ninth grade pays huge dividends to community colleges in that future students begin to learn what they need to know to enter occupational education pathways.
Tags: Innovations
Robert Walker December 2007
Volume: 10 Issue: 12
Count all 441
Although online teaching and learning is a wonderful educational advancement, in some disciplines, it creates as many challenges as it solves. For example, how does one practice speaking in front of an audience in an online speech class? Can there be an online chemistry or biology lab? Online teaching and learning causes educators to discover new digital ways to successfully accomplish what they have been doing in the classroom for years.
Tags: Innovations
Celeste Fenton, Brenda Watkins November 2007
Volume: 10 Issue: 11
Count all 441
The delivery of learning resources to sites remote from the point of origin of instruction, or distance learning, is the fastest growing mode of domestic and international education. CNN (2006) reported that one in six students enrolled in postsecondary education took an online course. The report also noted that 850,000 more students took online courses in the fall of 2005 than the year before, an increase of almost 40 percent.
Tags: Innovations
Jeremy Clark, Claudia Ramis de Almeida October 2007
Volume: 10 Issue: 10
Count all 440
Luiza Cortesao (2000) predicts that the teaching profession will disappear if it does not keep in step with the needs of its clients. New technology is now making it possible for students to learn in individualized ways that were impossible just a few years ago. Skype is a communications tool permitting two-way audiovisual contacts over an internet connection. In theory, it permits any student to be taught by any instructor, anywhere in the world, independent of geographic or national boundaries. The only requirement is a personal computer, an internet connection, and availability.
Tags: Innovations
Kay M. McClenney September 2007
Volume: 10 Issue: 9
Count all 452
Since 2004, the WGBH Educational Foundation and the League for Innovation, with funding from the National Science Foundation, have collaborated in developing, field-testing, and disseminating new multimedia resources designed to foster effective educational practice among community college faculty.
Tags: Innovations
Anthony Ongyod August 2007
Volume: 10 Issue: 8
Count all 441
"But how can you teach oral communication online?" It is a valid question without a simple answer. Teaching online effectively is difficult enough, but teaching a performance course such as oral communication online can be incredibly frustrating for both instructors and students. Contemporary distance education online has been predominately composed of text, pictures, and links to resources.
Tags: Innovations
Kathy Yeager July 2007
Volume: 10 Issue: 7
Count all 442
How do colleges across the country compare in the workforce development area? Leaders in workforce development want to know what programs to offer, how to proactively sell contract training, hire the right consultants, price correctly, and generally run workforce development like a business in an academic atmosphere. The Center for Business and Technology at Johnson County Community College (JCCC) had the same interests.
Tags: Innovations
Kelly Dawn Steele June 2007
Volume: 10 Issue: 6
Count all 441
For many years, the topic of living in residence has been given relatively little attention in community college education. Rather, institutions tend to focus on issues such as information technology, learning colleges, funding, access, and accountability mandates. While all of these areas are indeed very important, in recent years, we have come to realize the importance of students living environments, specifically students who are living in community college residences.
Tags: Innovations
Alicia Harvey-Smith May 2007
Volume: 10 Issue: 5
Count all 444
Learning Is About Making ConnectionsK. Patricia Cross (1999) asserts that "learning is about making connections." She describes the process by which learning occurs in the brain through neurological connections. Similarly, I suggest that within higher education, authentic collaborations between academic affairs and student affairs represent the connection necessary for transformational learning.
Tags: Innovations
Earl Paul April 2007
Volume: 10 Issue: 4
Count all 441
A new book on college student leadership, So You Want to Be a Leader? What Every College Student Should Know, has recently been published and is a welcome resource for college educators who are addressing leadership, character, and soft-skill development with their students. Written by Earl Paul at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, Florida, the book is a result of his years of advising and teaching students in multiple aspects of leadership.
Tags: Innovations
League for Innovation March 2007
Volume: 10 Issue: 3
Count all 446
In the fall of 2005, the League for Innovation joined a project with WGBH-TV in Boston to create and disseminate Getting Results, a set of multimedia professional development modules freely available to community college faculty. Funded by the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program, Getting Results focuses on the teaching of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics specifically in ATE classrooms.
Tags: Innovations
Shree Iyengar, Ken Jarvis February 2007
Volume: 10 Issue: 2
Count all 442
Making student learning visible is intriguing. Every day we teach a group of students, discuss an assignment, or grade student work, we probably wonder if students are learning what we think we teach them. Teaching is visible, or at least we think it is, when we upload a document for an online class or when we pick up a piece of chalk and write that quadratic equation, a chemical formula, a definition, an algorithm, or draw a diagram on the blackboard. Is student learning visible? Students can cram up the night before a test, spit stuff back at us, and earn a B here or an A there.
Tags: Innovations
