Pathways to Persistence: Advancing Student Success Through Early Alert Partnerships
Tallahassee Community College’s (TCC) Pathways to Persistence Program (PTP) was developed in 2022 to further align practices that include specific and intentional processes enacted across disciplines throughout the semester. A cross-campus initiative, this model was developed to create more intentional early alert environments that foster self-efficacy, meaning and purpose, and a sense of belonging for students. The process is driven by faculty in partnership with the college’s Academic Success Coaches, who seek to provide every opportunity for students to excel and implement strategies to help them overcome barriers. Due to these just-in-time efforts, fall-to-fall student retention rates increased from 2023 to 2024, including a nearly 20 percent increase in Black student success rates in all gateway courses. Additionally, the Hispanic student success rate increased 6.4 percent, and the achievement gap between TCC’s Black and White students narrowed by 9.7 percent.
- Jennifer Bradley, Academic Coordinator, Academic Affairs
- Brielle Crooms, Executive Assistant, Academic Affairs
- Samantha DeZerga, Success Coach, Learning Commons
- Anthony Jones, Dean, Natural Sciences
- Angelina Kuleshova, Faculty, Science and Mathematics
- Tricia Rizza, Associate Dean, Faculty Initiatives
- Calandra Stringer, Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs