Justice-Involved Undergraduate Success and Training Program
The Justice-Involved Undergraduate Success and Training (JUSTice) program embodies Hudson County Community College’s (HCCC) two core priorities: student success and diversity, equity, and inclusion. In 2021, HCCC partnered with the Hudson County Correctional Center to provide incarcerated individuals with the only program in the U.S. that offers a virtual county jail-based degree option. HCCC faculty deliver instruction virtually, while Student Success Coaches are on site every day to support students. Of 316 students enrolled through fall 2023, 55 percent completed a course, the average GPA was 3.71, 12 of 40 students continued at HCCC after release, and two graduated with associate degrees while incarcerated. HCCC also partnered with New Jersey Reentry Corporation to provide formerly incarcerated individuals with academic and workforce credentials for employment in high-demand fields. These students have access to HCCC’s counseling, food pantry, clothing closet, and referrals to legal, housing, and other services. Of 412 students, 60 percent completed a course, 70 percent earned industry-recognized credentials, and seven graduated with Culinary Arts (Hot Food) proficiency certificates.
- Anita Belle, Director, Workforce Pathways
- Heather DeVries, Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs and Assessment
- Lori Margolin, Associate Vice President, Continuing Education and Workforce Development
- Christopher Reber, President