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George R. Boggs August 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 13
Count all 418
In the major public and private universities in this country, pure and applied research are recognized, along with teaching, as primary missions. Many of these institutions are ranked among the very best in the world for the creation of new knowledge and for solving some of our most pressing human problems. Community colleges, on the other hand, are not often thought of as research institutions.
A Report of the Commission on the Future of Community Colleges July 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 12
Count all 417
Student and Faculty Recommendations Community colleges should vigorously reaffirm equality of opportunity as an essential goal.Community colleges should develop aggressive outreach plans for disadvantaged students, including early identification programs for junior high school students, and displaced workers, single parents, and veterans of military service.Every college should develop a comprehensive first-year retention program for all full-time, part-time, and evening students, including orientation, advising, an "early warni
Thomas W. Fryer, Jr. June 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 11
Count all 417
Institutional governance is often narrowly conceived as comprising merely the channels through which authority is transmitted to control and direct an organization and the people in it. The principal question asked in this formulation is "Who's in charge here?" This approach almost always tends to confuse governance with accountability, and while these are related matters, they are, in fact, quite different.
Barbara K. Townsend May 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 10
Count all 418
Certain higher education institutions are so well known that the mention of their name immediately evokes a positive image in most people's minds. The very name of Harvard conjures up an image of ivy-covered brick buildings filled with the brightest and the best students, many of whom come from "old money" and are destined to be leaders of American society.
Richard C. Richardson, Jr. May 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 9
Count all 417
Minorities are a growing part of the pool of 18-22 year olds from which colleges and universities have traditionally drawn the majority of their students. However, while high school graduation rates for minority students have increased significantly in the past twenty years, college participation rates and baccalaureate degrees earned by blacks and Hispanics peaked in the mid-1970s and have since declined. Of even greater concern is that minorities are concentrated in about fifty institutions-primarily urban colleges and universities enrolling predominantly minority students.
abstracted from U. S. News & World Report April 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 8
Count all 417
Global StrategistTomorrow's executive will have to feel as "at home" in Sapporo or Strasbourg as in San Francisco. Having a dog-eared passport and stacks of frequent flier memberships and knowing something more than restaurant French or Japanese will pay dividends at contract time that may not accrue simply by showing up with a reasonably priced product. Designing and marketing goods or services for several countries should become second nature.
Jess H. Parrish April 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 7
Count all 415
The alarm has been sounded in speeches, articles, reports, and conversations among colleagues: the first generation of great community college leaders is passing from the scene, and its replacement is uncertain. O'Banion and Roueche, in the inaugural issue of this abstract series, repeat the refrain and call for a concerted effort to "revitalize leadership in community colleges." However, batteries are only recharged when they are dead or dying. The concern that a vacuum of leadership exists or is threatened is overstated.
George B. Vaughan March 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 6
Count all 424
During the boom period of public community college growth, community college presidents came from backgrounds that varied almost as much as the community colleges they led. A number of the early presidents performed the herculean task of opening new colleges, a task many did extremely well. Moreover, in spite of their varied backgrounds (or perhaps because of them), those presidents played a major role in shaping the community college's mission and in bringing a focus to the presidency.
Anna Neumann March 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 5
Count all 418
What constitutes "good faculty leadership" is a question that generates considerable attention but little agreement on college and university campuses. The literature has focused on the faculty collectivity, but has generally failed to consider faculty leadership at the operating level that affects campus governance.
Dale Parnell February 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 4
Count all 419
Leadership cannot be described by the square boxes or dotted lines of an organizational chart. It is a concept that is both difficult to define and subject to popular distortions. We are currently engaged in the dubious discussion of the "wimp factor" as a disqualification for presidential leadership.
Estela M. Bensimon February 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 3
Count all 418
More than 300 new college and university presidents take office annually. Once the formal ceremonies are over and sometimes before new presidents use a variety of strategies to "take charge" of their institutions: they reorganize, they build their own administrative teams, they announce new programs, and they perform other acts intended to symbolize the beginning of a new and different era for the institution.
Charles J. Carlsen January 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 2
Count all 418
After a particularly arduous stint as president of the University of California, Clark Kerr once commented that university presidents spend the vast majority of their time worrying about three things: athletics, parking and sex in the dormitories. That was in the early 1960s. In 1988 he might have added faculty unions, shrinking financial resources and if he were a community college president governing boards.
Terry O'Banion, John Roueche January 1988
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
Count all 418
With this first issue, the League for Innovation in the Community College and The University of Texas at Austin are pleased to announce a new publication, Leadership Abstracts. To be published twice monthly, Leadership Abstracts will be sent without charge to all two-year college chief executive officers in the United States and Canada.
Count all 10
Reimagining the traditional face-to-face, lecture-based instructional model is at the heart of academic transformation in higher education, and faculty development is central to this change. Getting faculty to want to modify how they teach will enable grassroots experimentations to gain traction and inspire systemic change. Yet this process first requires faculty developers to recognize and support the affective dimension of teaching and learning and, in turn, experiment with more human-centered approaches. Expect it to be messy.
