Module 1: Creating a Community of Learners

Diversity and Classroom Management:

Looking at Your Class


Here are photos of three people. Imagine for a moment that they are your students, sitting in the front row on the first day of class. What are their stories?

head shot head shot head shot


For each photo, write a few sentences that tell this person's story.

Ask Yourself

  • Is this person's primary language English?
  • What kind of job does this person have?
  • Does this person live alone?
  • Is this person a parent?
  • Is this person the primary breadwinner in his/her household?
  • Was this person born in the United States?
  • Does this person have a disability?
  • What is this person's ethnic, cultural, or national background?
  • Does this person have any other diverse characteristics?
  • How might any of these descriptions affect their learning?
  • How did you arrive at these guesses?
  • Do you ever think about your students in this way?