Call for Proposals

Thank you for your interest in presenting at Learning Summit 2016.

The submission deadline has passed; we are no longer accepting proposals. 
Please contact Robin Piccirilli for additional information.





The League invites proposals for forum sessions at the 2016 Learning Summit. Forum sessions last 75 minutes and, like all sessions at the Summit, they are intended to be interactive. Be sure your proposal includes opportunities for session participants to engage with each other, with the content, and with the presenter at various times throughout the 75 minutes. Rooms will be set with round tables to facilitate table-top activities and small-group discussions.

Proposal Requirements

Along with presenter information, proposals for the 2016 Learning Summit require a title, forum description, and a description of focus for the session. We recommend composing these pages in Word, Pages, etc., and copying them into the appropriate places on the proposal form


Approximately 10 words that will catch the attention of conference participants and accurately describe your session.

Forum Description

40-word description of your proposed forum that answers these four questions: What is the focus of the forum? How is this forum connected to the Summit theme (Student Success and Completion)? What will participants in this forum learn? What is the format of the forum (e.g., table-top activity, small-group discussion, Q&A, game)? Note that active learning formats are strongly encouraged and preferred.

Description of Focus

150- to 200-word description of the initiative, program, practice, concept, etc., that is the focus of the proposed forum. If proposal is accepted, this description will be included in the Summit program. This is not a description of the forum activities; instead, it is a description of the forum’s focus. For example, if your forum focuses on a change initiative at your college, describe that initiative; if it focuses on a new program, describe the program. Include ways the effectiveness of the initiative,
program, etc., is or will be evaluated and how the evaluation is being or will be used.

Topic Areas

The Summit theme is Student Success and Completion. Forum proposals are invited in the five topic areas below, and proposals should relate to the Summit theme.

Student Learning Outcomes

Presentations in this topic area may focus on various aspects of student learning outcomes wherever learning occurs in the college (e.g., courses, cocurricular or extracurricular activities, student support services, work-study programs, service learning). Presentations might focus on the development of learning outcomes, techniques and strategies for helping students achieve learning outcomes, methods for evaluating and documenting student achievement of learning outcomes, and/or ways documentation of learning outcomes achievement is used (e.g., to improve individual student success, retention, and completion; to revise curriculum, instruction, or other activities).

Student Engagement

Presentations in this topic area focus on ways faculty, staff, and administrators – individually and/or collectively – engage students in learning and with the college in an effort to help ensure student success, retention, and completion.

Faculty and Staff Engagement

Presentations in this topic area focus on ways faculty and staff are
engaged in facilitating student success and completion, and might include, for example, professional development, curriculum development, department and cross-college initiatives, and other coordinated activities purposefully and specifically focused on student success and completion. 

Organizational Culture

Presentations in this topic area focus on ways the college is building or strengthening a culture centered on student learning, success, and completion. Presentations might focus, for example, on ways creativity, innovation, and thoughtful risk-taking are encouraged and
supported in the exploration of ways to improve or redesign programs, policies, and practices to support student learning, success, and completion.

Quality, Inquiry, and Accountability

Presentations in this topic area focus on college activities in areas
such as quality improvement; thoughtful collection, analysis, and use of meaningful data; transparency in reporting to stakeholders; and alignment of plans and activities with the college mission and goals.

For additional information, please contact Robin Picirilli.