Module 6: Assessing Teaching and Learning

Assessing Student Learning:

Assessing Performance


Students who enroll in technician preparation programs are likely to be contextual learners. These students often exhibit more competence in technical, laboratory, or field work than they do on homework, classroom exercises, tests, or highly structured lab reports.

Provide these students with multiple ways to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. A student could build a model rather than write an essay to demonstrate an understanding of major concepts. Or students can identify laboratory examples to illustrate a point learned in the lecture.

Watch this video about individual assessment for certifying computer technicians using something other than quizzes and tests.

Video: Assessing Performance (2:10)

Think About

How is this assessment method well suited to the stated learning outcome—preparing students to be computer repair technicians? What other kinds of assessments might you expect to see in this class?

Now reflect on your own experiences.


Take a look at the assessments you currently use in your classroom. How do they measure student achievement of your learning outcomes?