Module 5: Teaching with Technology

Self-Assessment and Resources:

Summary of Module 5


Teaching with technology is changing the face of education. Teachers have more resources available to present information, and students have more opportunities to engage in learning. The teaching and learning are more effective.

When thinking about teaching with technology:

  • You need to select technologies based on the course outcomes and learning goals. Technology will benefit the learning if it enhances the presentation of a concept, motivates the learner, and provides an authentic learning experience.
  • You need to establish guidelines, vary the technologies, and provide time and resources that allow students maximum access. Technology can take time to master, but if you give yourself and students time and are intentional in planning, you will increase the likelihood of success.
  • Finally, you should try new technologies for delivering content and add technology education to your curriculum. As a result, students will be more confident and valuable to employers when they enter the workplace.