For additional information on writing your course syllabus and examples of good syllabi, see the following resources:
This University of Pittsburgh site explains the purpose of a syllabus and contains an example of an outcomes-based course syllabus.
This article contains information on essential components of a syllabus (registration required).
This site contains examples and explanations of learner-centered syllabi.
This book provides more information on outcomes-focused teaching and learning.
Stiehl, Ruth, and Les Lewchuk. "Envisioning Outcomes Intended and Unintended." The Outcomes Primer. Corvallis, Ore.: The Learning Organization, 2002.
This book contains information on another useful planning model called backward design.
Wiggins, Grant, and Jay McTighe. "Are the Best Curricular Designs 'Backward'?" Understanding by Design. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1998.
This resource provides additional information about the science of learning.
Reed, Lester. "Learning Science: A NSCR Approach." NCSR (Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources) News. Vol. 2, Issue 2. Winter 2005.