
To receive free digital issues of Innovatus, the magazine of the League for Innovation in the Community College, follow the steps below. With a focus on teaching and learning, leadership, student success, and workforce development, each issue will provide new ideas for community college administrators, faculty, and staff.

Subscribe to Innovatus

  1. Log in to your League account.*
  2. In the ‘My Account’ dropdown at the top, right corner of any League website page, click on ‘Communication Preferences.’
  3. Click on the ‘Edit My Preferences’ button.
  4. Uncheck the ‘Opt Out’ box for any type of e-communication you wish to receive, including 'Digital Magazine.'
  5. Click on the ‘Save My Preferences’ button and give the system at least a few days to process your request.
*If you do not yet have a League account, click here to create one. If you have a League account but do not remember your log in credentials, click on 'Forgot Password?' in the top, right corner of this page and use the email address associated with your account to request your account credentials. You will receive an email with your username and a password reset link.
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