Module 3: Active Teaching and Learning

Introduction to Active Learning:

Thinking About Student-Centered Learning


This chart outlines different ways of thinking about learning.

1. Knowledge Transferred from faculty to students Jointly constructed by students and faculty
2. Student purpose Passive vessel to be filled by faculty's knowledge Active constructor, discoverer, transformer of his or her own knowledge
3. Faculty purpose To classify and sort students To develop students' competencies and talents
4. Relationships Impersonal interactions among students and between faculty and students Personal transactions among students and between faculty and students
5. Context Competitive, individualistic Cooperative learning in classroom and cooperative teams among faculty
6. Assumption Any expert can teach Content expertise and teaching skill are both required
7. Assumption All students can learn if they try hard enough All students can learn if they understand their own learning styles and practice productive behaviors


How could these ideas inform the teaching and learning experiences you design? What obstacles stand in the way of incorporating these ideas? How might you overcome those obstacles?